• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
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Hold your ground but do not be unkind. (Ponyphonic, "Shy Heart") He/him. Ponyfic Roundup reviews every Wednesday.


A collection of pieces too short to be published in their own right. Just about anything may be encountered here, so be prepared for the worst! Or the best, depending on your point of view...

(Anthology tag! At last!)

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 72 )

I think maybe drawing it out longer could've helped, but I think it'd be clunky either way.:rainbowlaugh:

5649385 Exactly: the choice was between a short clunky story and a long clunky story. People mind wasting five minutes for the former less than wasting an hour for the latter! :rainbowwild:

5649389 I'm actually quite pleased with this one: for example, the mid-blue of "pegasus" doesn't just represent the sky, while the colours I used in "rainbows" were also carefully chosen. When I posted it over on my blog, I explained the meaning in the comments to this post. :twilightsmile:

Edit: And I've now added that explanation (under spoiler tags) to the A/N in the story itself. Don't know why I didn't do that at the time, really.

There aren't many good poets on this site. One need only look at stories with Zecora to see that. As such, it's wonderful when I find one.

5682012 I think part of that is that the Fimfiction word-count limit hits poetry particularly hard. I was quite surprised that (as far as I could tell) nobody had done anything like Friendship is Poetry before; I'm sure they would have done if it were easier to get poetry seen. Also, thank you.

"You have to admit, it was worth it."
"Seneschal, please inform the Prince Consort that We are still not speaking to him."
"Sir, the Crystal Empress—"
"I heard."

Not sure if that says more about Twilight or ponies' opinions of Chrysalis. Probably a little of both.

6207668 It was actually the Cadance connection that made me think of the idea in the first place.

Well, first of all I'm really impressed that this story is told in less than 200 words, and despite being such a short piece, it seems to be pretty effective. I'm probably just not quite with it this morning, but I have to admit to not being totally 100% sure what is going on in the story. I'm guessing that Chrysalis really doesn't want to see Twilight, which is why she wants a new messenger, and - basically - the pony who thinks best of her is Twilight. (And Twilight might not necessarily think all that much of her either, but it's the best Chrysalis is going to get. Either that or Twilight maybe believes that there is a tiny shred of a chance that Chrysalis could one day be reformed, but she might be the only one who thinks that is even remotely possible.)

One particular line really stood out for me, for some reason - "Her wings buzzed pointlessly as she read." Obviously Rainbow and Fluttershy's wings, (as well as most other ponies) don't buzz. That description made me think of flies or other similar insects, and although Chrysalis is obviously not an insect, somehow that conjures up the right kind of feel, if that makes sense. Chrysalis has a sort of insect look to her, or certainly pretty far removed from the typical pony look!


I have to admit to not being totally 100% sure what is going on in the story.

Remember "A Canterlot Wedding" -- for most of the double episode, Twilight was the only one who was suspicious of Evil!Cadance. So at that point, she thought worst of (the pony who turned out to be) Chrysalis. After the changeling queen's true form was revealed, though, the others realised how serious a threat she was -- and especially to their friend Twilight -- and absolutely despised Chrysalis and her hive. However, and here we get into headcanon territory, as a princess Twilight has come to realise that a straight "Changelings are to be hated" attitude isn't the right way to go. (Maybe she was behind inviting that one to Cranky's wedding.) While she still doesn't like Chrysalis (understandably) and reluctantly accepts that she can't currently be freed, she probably now understands her motivations more than the rest of the Mane Six. In this little fic, Chrysalis is having it brought home to her that actually, Twilight is her closest friend among ponies these days. I suppose a [Dark] tag could have been justified for some of the implications of that...

6233187 Thanks for that explanation. I can see what you were trying to achieve now, and with that explanation it does seem even better for it. So in effect, Chrysalis would probably find Twilight's view extremely hard to take, since I can't quite see her being the sort of character that would ever accept someone thinking they understand her, or the reasons behind what she does.

6928441 Shows up all right on my tablet! Wouldn't work too well on a monochrome e-reader, I admit. :rainbowwild:

6928462 Afraid not. PresentPerfect posted a one-word story in the end -- though I think Admiral Biscuit won the "contest" while it was running.

Thanks for reading! It's not often people look at my Little Bits stuff, partly because the quality is very variable.

Wow, that was a hit right in the feels... But very well written. I like this kind of poetry, and it is a nice sadfic.
Reminds me of the intro of Legend of Korra, when Katara told that Aang and Sokka were gone :fluttercry:

7006675 Thanks! It's probably my favourite pony poem I have on here. :twilightsmile:

Nope, didn´t catch the reference, but you put up somethink like THAT in 45 minutes? In RHYMES, no less? I take my hat off to you, Sir :twilightsmile:

Lavender.. *gnhn* Unicorn... *gnhihn* Syndr *hahahahaha* *falls of chair, lays on floor laughing for half an hour*

*gets back up, writes a comment*
I love it :pinkiehappy:

7007591 The reference is "spindly killer fish", which is from the Blackadder II episode "Potato". If you know the series, it's the one with Tom Baker hamming it up as Captain Redbeard. :pinkiehappy: It was a hay of a task doing it in 45 minutes, I tell you that!

Oh, and thank you too for your other comment. I wish I could have made that story work as a full fic!

Awesomely anapestic. And Twilight shouldn't fret; Amethyst may have been the self-proclaimed "best organizer in Ponyville," but she still couldn't wrap up winter on time.

7053123 Mind you, I doubt S1 Twilight could have done any better, at least without going all "Lesson Zero" on everypony. ;)

I really enjoyed reading your AppleDash dialogue for the latest Flashfic :). When I get the chance I'd like to read the rest of the little bits of writing in this collection.

Be careful what you ask for, especially when asking Dash.

Very amusing little exchange. Thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

7180257 Thanks! As may be evident, it was fun to write, too. As for the other stuff: it's variable in quality. especially the story fragments (which are here because they weren't quite good enough for full-length fics), but hopefully there'll be some you do enjoy.

7180545 You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it. I think I need to write more (non-shippy) AppleDash.

7284834 Thanks! There's not exactly a lot of substance to it (the 100-word limit didn't help), but it's pleasant enough, I suppose.

If you're good at being evil, where does that put you?

A lovely bit of poetry. Thank you for it.

I admit, the deeper meaning of the piece flew right over my head on the first read through. Still, once I knew what to look for, it was very powerful indeed.

Thanks! That's encouraging, since it suggests a bit of tweaking was what was needed, rather than a wholesale revamp.

Of all the pieces I did not expect anyone to comment on, this is pretty near the top! So thanks. :twilightsmile:

"Spindly killer fish" is the reference. It's from the episode in Blackadder II where they sail off with Captain Redbeard Rum.

Author Interviewer

I mean I don't get any of it. :(

Though I definitely missed that reference. :O That was a good episode.

Rarity made piranha-proof pyjamas for the llamas. These llamas were (in some stupid way) descendants of G1 seaponies, hence a) their ability to swim and b) that last line. That's it, really: it's just a bit of silliness. I mean, come on: the convention version, whose conditions I was trying to replicate as exactly as possible, gave us 45 minutes from discovering the prompts to turning out the finished piece, no typing allowed. Some authors may be able to plan and execute something in that time, but I can't. So I just thought of something a bit different (the rhyming, which wasn't required) and let myself go from there.

Man. That really is a played out word in Equestria.
...Which means Snips was right.
"Snips was right."
Those words coming out of my mouth don't feel quite right.


Those words coming out of my mouth don't feel quite right.

To be fair, most of us have been there. Usually when we were new to the fandom and first started talking seriously about "cutie marks" or whatever. :rainbowlaugh:

There was a silly informal competition at one time for "Who can write the shortest break-up fic?" and this was my "entry". It's a pun on the word "chuck", meaning both to dump a lover and to throw. (Remember that Shining Armor throws Cadance in "The Crystal Empire".)

Oh. I don't know why I didn't connect that Shiny is Shining Armor. I thought Maud Pie was throwing Boulder.

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